Several companies need to store sensitive business data onshore for regulatory reasons, and edge computing makes sure that data is localized and compliant while enabling businesses to leverage cloud technology.
Fremont, CA: The cloud technology has become popular among industries of all disciplines. Businesses have shifted to the cloud-first technology-driven agile workplace, IaaS, Saas, and Paas have become trusted technologies, AI and machine learning (ML) assist in advancing medical and scientific research, and big companies depend on team collaboration tools and cloud-based office suites.
Here are three trends in cloud computing for organizations planning to deploy IT infrastructure strategy:
Industry-optimized Clouds
As organizations move to the cloud, there has been a growing trend of personalized cloud service offering for specific industries to target highly regulated sectors like finance, legal and healthcare sectors.
Some cloud service providers have consumable, industry-specific cloud platforms that are compliant with relevant U.S legislations and outsourcing businesses will only need to choose a proper provider to start consuming industry-compliant services.
Edge Computing
As organizations increasingly implement technology, edge computing is extensively being used. However, one downside of the cloud is that cloud providers are large and centralized entities. This may cause some problems if users are in a remote location. Also, to process a large amount of data, companies need to rely on their network bandwidth and the cloud provider’s available resources to complete the job quickly.
This is where edge computing provides a solution to these issues. A cloud edge is a localized datacentre or service point of presence that comprises of powerful servers and fast storage. Cloud providers offset a load of applications and other active jobs to the cloud edge presence, introducing quick processing, low latency and ultra-fast data transfers.
Cloud Automation
There are many potential benefits of the cloud with automation like software development, software releases with CI/CD and infrastructure automation. Organizations are implementing automation to address the difficulty of handling various private, public and hybrid cloud environment with less manpower.
AI and ML routines collect a large amount of logging information, find trends and analyze results which can be used to forecast server component failure or reasons why an application may crash. Capacity planning also benefits immensely with cloud automation for accurate prediction on forecasting infrastructure needs.
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