Cloud Computing Outlook

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration to Healthcare Industry

By Cloud Computing Outlook | Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Healthcare industry is widely accepting and adopting cloud despite the concerns regarding security and data privacy. Healthcare organizations derive direct benefits from cloud adoption. Some of them are discussed here

Fremont, CA: Cloud computing has numerous services to offer to a number of industries, and healthcare is no exception to it. From accessibility and availability of data to its endless virtual scalability, the cloud has numerous benefits to offer the healthcare industry.

The healthcare industry is widely accepting and adopting cloud despite the concerns regarding security and data privacy. According to some published data, the cloud computing market for the healthcare industry is expected to cross $55billion mark by 2025, a $48 billion leap from that of 2018.

Healthcare organizations derive direct benefits from cloud adoption. Some of them are:

Low Data Storage Costs

On-premise data hosting centers requires a considerable upfront investment in hardware and ongoing costs of maintaining the servers, cooling solutions, and physical spaces. Cloud computing solutions providers, with their structured maintenance of cloud data storage devices, help healthcare reduce their storage costs and allow them to focus more on their core service, i.e. caring the patients.

Effective Data Security

Every healthcare organization needs enhanced security that meets compliance standards and protects the sensitive data of the patients. It is reported that hackers are increasingly targeting medical records for which the industry is moving towards a hybrid cloud computing solution. Moving to the cloud, offers the benefits of both private and public cloud, the ability to run applications between each other and also attain optimum flexibility.

Improved Collaboration

The swift adoption of collaboration tools has the prospect to make a positive impact on healthcare teams and leadership. Enterprise messaging and video communications are the basic cloud-based software behind these tools that helps improve the clinician workflow for enhanced patient care, no matter how far away a donor or provider may be located.

Integrated and Efficient Patient Care

Collaborative patient care became more efficient with the implementation of cloud storage for electronic health records that make it easier for clinicians to access patient information. Physicians, staffs, and patients receive essential health information such as lab results from any location with the update web-based software. This software utilizes mobile health applications and access patient portals and gives the information to the people who need it.

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