Cloud Computing Outlook

Can Identity Analytics and Cloud Solutions Together Make a Better Platform?

By Cloud Computing Outlook | Saturday, November 07, 2020

Identity analytics and cloud solutions make it convenient for businesses to take care of digital identities and entitlements throughout multiple systems, as well as applications.

FREMONT, CA: Identity governance and administration (IGA) is built to take care of digital identities and entitlements throughout multiple systems and applications. IGA tools carry great importance as they ensure the right access by ideal people to the right applications and data for the appropriate reasons at the correct time. To execute this, IGA tools combine and correlate different identity and entitlement data extended across the IT landscape for control over user access. IGA solutions need to offer some of the primary functions such as identity life cycle, policy and role management, entitlement management, access requests, access certification, workflow, identity analytics, fulfillment, auditing, and reporting. The solutions back the strong IT security.

Identity governance and administration have flourished from uncomplicated provisioning use cases to more proactive, advanced, and risk-aware management. It is because of an essential influx in the number of identities within a company, including employees, partners, vendors, customers, robotic process automation (RPA) bots, and internet of things (IoT) devices. With numerous users, entitlements, and applications launched into the IAM environment, it is getting more essential to strengthen security stance to offer a better holistic view of risk.

Top Hybrid Integration Solution CompaniesEnterprises can deal with applications from the cloud when it comes to the identity life cycle and access requests. The cloud architected IGA solutions offer scalability and speed, meanwhile, save the costs. As cloud solutions are utilized, companies can measure up, as well as scale down their cloud usage based on their needs. It helps in paying only for the ones that are consumed.

Additionally, identity analytics is a method to estimate risks based on identity information insights by implementing techniques to reduce excessive, outlier, or unfair entitlements and enhance the constant process of identity governance, with risk reporting. Identity analytics helps smarter micro certification campaigns, contextualized access requests, improved policy violation detection, and approvals, among other use cases. As per Gartner, in 2020, IGA implementations that begin with cleanup analytics will reflect increased ROI as it involves decision support and “help me decide” functionality that provides quick insights to back informed access and certification decisions and evade approving everything.

See also: Top Identity and Access Management Solution Companies