Cloud Computing Outlook

Migrating to Cloud? Let's Know These Post-Cloud Migrating Tips

By Cloud Computing Outlook | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

It is estimated that by 2020, more than 83 percent of enterprise workload will be in the cloud but do you know about the post-migration challenges? Read here what are they and how they can be handled

Fremont, CA: 'Migrating to cloud' sounds as exciting as the benefits it has. Cloud migration is a digital transformation for organizations which allows them to store their data and information in cloud and helps to adopt new technologies quickly. The benefits attached to it like increased efficiency, scalability, business agility, simplified management, and overall lower costs are the reason most of the companies are opting to transform their business and move to cloud digitally. It is estimated that by 2020, more than 83 percent of enterprise workload will be in the cloud.

The decision to move or migrate to the cloud must be taken carefully, keeping in mind the future courses of action, i.e. post-migration challenges. Once decided to migrate, the execution is very crucial as it needs proper planning and use of best practices conducted carefully.

Here are three challenges and post-cloud migrating tips to avoid any risk.


With cases of data theft rising at an alarming rate, it is legitimate to have concerns handing over crucial and sensory data to a third party. To guard and protect data, it is better to know the options available and take precautionary steps. While migrating data to a third party, be ensured that the cloud provider offers secure authentication, user identity management, and access control. The IT team must have its eye on the physical security of the entire environment and database while operating in a hybrid cloud environment. While selecting a public cloud provider, it's better to know the updated and recent cloud security standards, and it must involve a partnership between the provider and the user.

Change Management

 With technology, it is equally important to engage employees of the organization in the migration process to help them better understand the working of the cloud. Focusing solely on technology and leaving behind the management in the migration process would lead to poor results. The migration must include people from compliance, HR, and legal, and post-migration it needs to have few new roles like cloud architects, DevOps engineer and cloud security professionals.

Underutilization and unbudgeted costs - Cloud migration has numerous benefits only when it is planned and managed properly. Proper steps must be taken to avoid issues like underutilization, unbudgeted cost, increased risk, and compliance. Those steps include defining targets and identifying benchmarks in key areas like performance, cost, RTO/RPO, and compliance and establishing governance with continuous measurement and monitoring of operational data et al.

It is indeed a serious undertaking for any organization to migrate from legacy infrastructure to cloud and hence, the post-migration risks must always be taken into consideration while planning for migration.

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